How being too enthusiastic failed me once, but saved me plenty of times!

Sadaf Alidad
6 min readJun 3, 2020

Tips for staying in control while being your awesome self!

If you know me, you know I am mostly a positive person in this challenging and confusing time. I am not always on cloud nine or buzzing with excitement, and you indeed will not find me grinning like the Cheshire cat about everything, but my overall outlook about the world is positive. It is not hereditary. I truly aspire to keep it this way.

Woman wearing yoga pants on a high hill Jumping up with enthusiam. her back to the camera and looking at a green scenary.
Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash

Yet, I will tell a story I recently remembered in which this positivity and enthusiasm failed me.

One of those sleepless nights a few weeks ago, I was rolling side to side in bed and thinking about how my career path created exciting opportunities for me. I was reminiscing about all the exciting stuff that happened, successful projects, tricky situations, the embarrassing ones, and then I remembered something that hunted me for the rest of my restless night.

I was 24 when I joined a very sophisticated and conventional company. Recently graduated from an art school and care-free, I was thrilled to join a company where I would be involved in significant projects with high-profile clients. Consequently, I could not keep my overflowing enthusiasm in place, and it failed me painfully!

The internet is full of stories on how to be more enthusiastic at work and in life, and you might even read one or two of them. I found articles on Forbes, Thrive, and even WikiHow on the subject with a simple search. So, is there such a thing as being over-enthusiastic? Isn’t it one of the characteristics that can make you quite optimistic, full of ideas, and fun to be around?

Well, in my experience, not always!

So, these are the things that went wrong through my insane enthusiasm and starry-eyes phase that might happen to you too:

1. You are accepting more than you can handle.

I learned this one from a feedback session with my senior. He just straight-up called me on it and told me to don’t bite off more than I can chew. And he was right. I could not resist saying No to my colleague’s requests when I did not have the time or resources. I meant well, but the overpromising led to disappointment.

2. You might look dishonest.

If you are working on a personal project or with your family business, there is no getting over-enthusiastic ever! (at least it is my experience, so you should practice it more carefully) People who love and know you understand where all the energy comes from, but working with strangers and seniors in a serious working space, you might look dishonest and somehow childish.

3. You might stick your nose where it does not belong.

Through the years, I have learned that even in the most casual working places and flat organizations, it’s best when you offer your opinion upon the request of your senior. When you are unnecessarily passionate about something, you might tamper with things that do not concern you. And it is not welcome.

4. You might feel drained and depressed when dealing with under-enthusiastic people.

I have been in situations where my expectations were not realized, and I felt disappointed about the job and my colleagues. This happens when you are too enthusiastic about something, and others do not feel the same.

So, these were some of the obstacles I created for myself, but how I could handle the situation better?

Here is the list about managing this striking characteristic (Yes! I still believe it is marvelous to be an enthusiast) I could have used that can help you avoid the frustrations I have experienced:

1. Know the industry and job position.

You should know some industries and companies require relaxed and laid-back employees. When working with high-profile clients, for example, in law firms or consulting companies, you need to learn to control your emotions better (both positive and negative ones). However, it is not the same for the example of a tech company business unit. And about the job position, just remember super-enthusiastic leader comes inspiring, but an enthusiastic junior analyst might look shallow.

2. Watch how your seniors are acting.

I am not saying to mirror your seniors but look closely at how they act around their seniors. With this tactic, you can get a clever idea about the company culture and the level of energy you can emit.

3. Practice self-control, but do not lose your shine!

I am not writing a recipe here, and I cannot tell you how much enthusiasm is needed in different situations, but you can measure how you serve it up to others based on the circumstances. Just beware if you altogether remove all the energy, you might look bleak.

4. Understand that not everyone will think your project can succeed and support your enthusiasm and optimism.

If you are eagerly working on something and others do not feel the same, please do not crash emotionally and not distance yourself from the job and others. Tune down your feelings and try to understand their point of view. In their eyes, the project is not as successful as your expectations. Or they are not extroverts and prefer to keep their enthusiasm in.

5. Strategize beforehand and do not let your enthusiasm get in the way of critical thinking.

As an enthusiast myself, I never let the excitement cloud my judgment (I hope!). But to make sure, remember when you feel the rush of ideas through your veins, examine the situation thoroughly, check out the risk factors, remember all the analytical techniques you know, and then make the decision. Do not let your passion for the project rush you into decision-making.

6. This one is cheesy, so I will just explain it!

If you are into YouTube, you have seen many videos with titles like How to win over your crush, get the one you like, and etcetera. In these remedies and how-tos, one solution is very intriguing. It is recommended if you want your crush to fall in love with you, show some vulnerability. They suggest a little humility can convince the one you like to see you more human and agreeable. And here it goes for your employer or potential investor. (Only practice this one at your own risk!)

So, in hindsight, I am grateful for the unique experience I have gained, but I should tell you it was a difficult period and a great struggle for the 24-year old me to get through.

Hence, I am writing this for my less experienced friends who think they have found their dream job. Through this text, I wanted to tell you how important the roles of well-calculated moves, balanced feelings, and pragmatism to your success are. And in some situations, there are consequences for not practicing self-control.

To conclude, if you are a genuinely energetic and happy person, and you have no intention of getting a grip on your feelings, change your environment to one that embraces your enthusiasm. Apply for jobs in start-up companies, in marketing departments, or with a sales team. You can also volunteer in an activist group for a worthy cause. I am sure no amount of enthusiasm would be too much when you are helping animals, homeless shelters, or the environment.

So, channel this energy to something practical instead of losing it to a place that might give you the cold shoulder about it.

A pink neon sign that shows LIVE COLORFULLY.
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

